The Best Birthday Gift…Ever!

happy_birthday_girl_card-r8c8dbe6639234b13a99817807f8762c1_xvuat_8byvr_512-217x300I’m having a birthday, and to be honest – I’m feeling a little melancholy about it.

I certainly have a wonderful life, but getting to that age where I’d almost rather “forget” another year has passed (although the candles on that cake never seem to lie)! 😉

It got me thinking about what I could do to make my day special, and I’m wondering if you can help me out.
It’s always so nice to get bday wishes, cards etc – but there’s another kind of gift that would mean the world to me this year.

You may already know that I support a very important non-profit program (Women Empowered, through Project Concern International).

This program helps women in developing countries change their lives by starting small Alicia-Fox-Photography-82871-300x200micro-businesses (that bring in much needed income for themselves and their families).
The program is very comprehensive. Women get access to over 18 months of training, which provides them with new leadership, financial and literacy skills, and the support to start a business of their own.

Even more amazing – it only costs $50 to sponsor a gal through that entire program.

That’s it – $50 to change a woman’s life for good.

I don’t expect you to jump in and invest $50 right now (but if you feel called, of course it would be MUCH appreciated).
Instead, I’m wondering if you’d be willing to invest just $5, as a “Happy Birthday” gift to me?

( even a small percentage of you donated just a little bit, collectively, we could make a HUGE difference).

What do you think?

Would you be willing to invest just $5 to make my birthday unforgettable (while also making a huge difference for other women and their families)?

If so, all you need to do is click this link to connect to my team fundraising page to make your contribution.

Thank you in advance for your support, and for making my birthday one of the best.

I appreciate you! 🙂

Suffering From Turkey Neck Syndrome?

…then you’re either a Turkey or you might need some help!  6a00d834515e6669e20120a6dbebff970b-250wi_104917944

With the start of the holiday social circuit, people are suddenly impatient to get picture-perfect skin. And in an effort to look fantastic, many jump from appointment to appointment, accumulating multiple treatments and procedures.

While it’s tempting to consider going all-in on holiday specials, these in-office treatments are often expensive, painful and time consuming. However, skipping in-office treatments doesn’t mean you can’t get office-like results.  Because you can!

256841_10150205495066451_636496450_7207609_4364707_oIf you are looking for glowing skin but don’t have a week to recover from (or the money for) professional microdermabrasion, try macro exfoliation from the comfort of your bathroom. Using an at-home tool to remove dead skin cells every week is a process that’s painless, affordable and does not require any recovery time.

Both options can yield impressive results, so which one would you pick?

Visible results are possible with intelligent daily skincare and healthy habits. This combination can influence up to 80% of your skin’s future. And it’s never too late, or too soon, to start.  2014 free gift

Roll into 2015 with great skin.

Receive a FREE Redefine Eye Cream when you purchase a Full Regimen +and+  an AMP MD or a  REDEFINE MACRO Exfoliator™. Offer available now through December 31, 2014.

Questions? Message me…




Do You Have a Product Graveyard?

ecard_10-28Do you have a drawer full of skincare products that are collecting cobwebs … a constant reminder of unfulfilled promises?

We call this the “product graveyard” and it haunts us all. In fact, a recent survey found that 20% of women have at least six unused or expired products in their bathroom cabinet.

Between pretty packaging and clever advertising, it can be tempting to buy into every new skincare “product breakthrough” or miracle ingredient. But many of the touted benefits are more hype than help, leading to frequent disappointments that have conditioned us to set low expectations when it comes to achieving real skincare results at home.

It’s time to cremate the items in your product graveyard and raise your expectations. It is possible to achieve real, visible results without a visit to the dermatologist’s office. You just need to find the right skincare regimen that is clinically proven to address your unique skin concerns.

Find out what’s best for you at

Message me with your questions 🙂


Fact or Myth? Athlete’s Foot is Only For Athletes

Pretty Summer Feet

              Pretty Summer Feet

Athlete’s foot got its name because the fungus that causes it is prevalent in locker rooms, pool-changing areas and other places that the sports-inclined among us tend to frequent. But the reality is fungus is everywhere in the environment and whether you get it is a matter of your individual susceptibility—not your athletic prowess. In fact, one in three people have some form of foot fungus—and most are completely unaware they have this condition.

If you have dry heels accompanied by white, moist scaling between the toes, chances are you have a fungal infection and will need to use a topical antifungal cream or spray you can get over the counter at the drugstore or through your doctor. To prevent reappearance, it’s important to stay vigilant even after you’ve cleared the infection. Continue to use anti-fungal cream or spray daily, wear flip-flops in public showers and make sure to dry your feet thoroughly after showering. You may also want to pare away the dead skin with a high-glide, oil-free micro-dermabrasion paste. This gentle exfoliation will allow moisturizers and medicines to better penetrate while also improving the tone and texture of your feet.

It’s also important to treat all your shoes, as they can carry remnants of fungus long after the infection may have cleared from your skin.  We suggest sprinkling some Zeasorb-AF, available in most drugstores, in every pair to kill the spores.

Taking care of your tootsies is no small feat. But if you show them the love they deserve, you’ll be putting your best foot forward whether you’re wearing hiking boots on a mountain trail or strappy sandals at an outdoor party.

Contact me for more information:



Fact or Myth? Men find women with more make-up more attractive…

dermrfnomakeuppicIf you think adding an extra layer of makeup will make you look extra desirable, you might want to think again.
A study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology found that women who decide to wear a “full face” of makeup to make themselves more attractive might be achieving just the opposite result.

Researchers at Bangor University and Aberdeen University in the United Kingdom gave 44 women “a range of best-selling” foundation, lipstick, blush and mascara products and told them to put on makeup like they were preparing for a night on the town. The women were photographed with freshly scrubbed faces and also after they had put on makeup. The researchers then altered the photographs so they had 21 images of the women wearing various amounts of makeup. They showed the altered images to 44 Bangor University students, who were instructed to select the photo they thought was most attractive, the photo they thought women would like best and the photo men would like best.

It turns out that women and men alike favored the images of the models wearing 40% less makeup than they initially put on. Another intriguing finding: each participant assumed men would like the models with more makeup on than the women would, but in reality the women were the ones who liked the images of the models wearing slightly more makeup.

The researchers said the results “suggest that women are likely wearing cosmetics to appeal to the mistaken preferences of others.”

We all have the desire to be desirable, but instead of layering on the makeup, our focus should be on achieving a healthy, natural complexion. The “foundation” for great skin starts with the right skincare products to address your skin concerns. By identifying your primary skin concerns and incorporating clinically proven skincare products and healthy habits into your daily routine, you can feel confident with “less” face and look as good as you feel today and every day.

With Rodan+Fields you can uncover the skin on your face and go naked! Message me for more information and your free sample!
