Born To Laugh? Great, Now Send Those Crow's Feet On The Run
Are you the first one in the room to crack a big grin when you hear a funny joke? Some people claim that a good sense of humor runs in the family, but new research shows that how you laugh or smile may, in fact, depend on your genetics.
According to a June 2015 study by University of California, Berkeley, our emotional reactivity may be linked to the gene 5-HTTLPR in our DNA. The study suggests that people with short versions of the gene may be more sensitive and show greater genuine reactions to emotional situations. What’s the trick to measuring “real” smiles and laughter? In this case, scientists looked at the muscles around each subject’s eyes that produce “crow’s feet.” Apparently, these telltale eye wrinkles reveal our truest reactions to humor.
While breaking into a huge smile or busting out laughing is bound to make you feel good, you may notice over time that your eye wrinkles are adding up along with those big expressions—and some of the lines stick around even after the funny moment has passed.
So what’s the good news to smile about? When it comes to the aging face, preventing wrinkles is actually far easier, less painful and a lot cheaper than you might imagine. To minimize the appearance of crow’s feet, try REDEFINE ACUTE CARE Skincare for Expression Lines featuring line-defying peptides and hyaluronic acid. Apply three times a week before bed for four weeks to wake up with smoother, younger-looking skin.
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