Fact or Fiction? Vitamin D From the Sun is Safer and Better Than a Suppliment.

grade aIf you want an “A” in anti-aging this summer, don’t drop your vitamin D supplement just because it’s sunny outside. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that prevents rickets in children, maintains bone density in adults, may inhibit certain cancers such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and possibly lessens the risk of diseases such as multiple sclerosis. While it is true that sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D, the Skin Cancer Foundation recommends that you get your daily value of vitamin D from non-sun sources such as vitamin D–fortified organic milk, orange juice, salmon and other fatty fishes or a multivitamin.

The truth is, if you seek your vitamin D from the sun, you’ll soak up a whole lot more than you bargained for, including accelerated aging and an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Essentials Vitamin D

Find Out About Vitamin D Here

For best results stick with your supplement. We recommend a once-weekly dose of 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 to ensure your body is absorbing the appropriate levels of this powerful vitamin every day. When you are outdoors, protect your skin from damaging UV rays by seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and applying and reapplying broad spectrum sunscreen products as directed.


Don’t Wait Until The End Of Summer…Contact Me Today For Your Free Skincare Consultation:

Paper Walls. What Are Your Walls Made Out Of?

No life is complete without obstacles!

breakthroughWe often come across obstacles in our lives. Seemingly insurmountable uphill battles that look as though there is no escape. Walls that seem huge and foreboding. With a big breath, we wonder, can we ever break through to the other side? And even scarier, what if we don’t like it over there? Or, if it really is better, will I be able to handle being successful? We then fool ourselves into doing absolutely nothing because we think we exonerate ourselves with mountains of incarcerating, deceptive, backpedaling excuses that keep us in mediocrity.

My desire is to show people how to break through to the other side of themselves, by breaking through their own personal sound barriers. What’s hard about working with people who live on pretense and excuses? They are time consumers and an energy drain. They say they want, but they don’t do. What’s the best thing about working with ambitious achievers and go-getters? They want and they do! We strengthen and encourage each other to keep becoming better versions of ourselves. We are energy magnifiers. AND we have fun!

You are your own catalyst. Momentum and motivation are within you.


You can redefine your power, energy and impulsion. Clean off your spark plugs and allow yourself to get absorbed in the excitement of progress and breakthrough. Make it a habit.

You can either push yourself through your self-imposed paper walls or you can make excuses and never do anything to move yourself forward. The only entertainment in choosing to stay behind is getting to watch how much “bigger” the wall will grow before your very eyes.

The best part of breaking through, however, is that when you get to look back from the other side, you will see how small the wall really was and that it was actually only made out of paper!


Let’s get started!

Would love to hear your comments and experiences!

What do wagons, shooting stars, and Plan B’s have in common?

Flash Back to the retail store“FLASH BACK…..this is how Rodan+Fields looked in high-end department stores! Bloomingdales, NYC…Circa 2004!

The Proactiv Doctors not only rocked the infomercial world with their Proactiv brand, they then rocked the retail setting with their new venture!

But wait, there’s a twist.  Now they can rock your world!  They decided to break the glass on the department store counter  and let you independently own a piece of their new company and grow it from your own home!  It’s the perfect Plan B! Did you know that word of mouth marketing has moved more R+F product volume than Bloomingdale’s & Nordstrom’s ever did?

The beauty of it all is this…this time you can hitch your wagon to the R+F shooting star.  Whether you want a secret shopping fund and extra money for a spa vacation with your girlfriends, or maybe you want post-divorce replacement income, or maybe you’re just plain tired of office politics and rush hour traffic and are looking for a way outwhatever it is that you think you want, you can get paid to share these products and the power of this business model.

Unlike the typical brick and mortar business, your own business from your own home requires little to no overhead and can pay you a full-time income in part-time hours!

Activate your Plan B now.  Get yourself into the right business with the right products at  the right time!  Many USA markets still untapped. Canadian Market expansion coming January 2014.

To learn how to hitch your wagon to this shooting star, send me a message below and we’ll get the conversation started. No pressure, no hard sell. My job is to help you determine if this is a good fit for you!

Begin Plan B activation now…

Do You Keep Your Business Options Open?

Exciting news!  A Corporate call with Dr Rodan + Dr. Fields revealed that in February 2013 they are launching what the beauty editors are calling “Game Changers” in the skincare category!
now hiringWhat this means for consultants is that when we launch major new products business explodes nationwide! I am looking for 4 super savvy women who want a BIG life and want to help others!  Don’t wait! Not only are generous bonus dollars and a free IPad3 in place for you now, but even better, you can take advantage of our National Convention and all the press coverage we experience!
If you keep your options open and are looking for a fun and exciting way to add to your present income, know that there has never been a better time to join the best and brightest!
Message me to chat for 15 minutes that could lead you to a more secure and unbelievable future!


Don’t Wait Until The Twinkies Are All Gone…

Ho Hos and Twinkies no more…and it really is not a laughing matter that more people are finding themselves out of work.

People…wake up. We no longer live in an Agricultural Society.  And the Manufacturing Age is quickly on it’s way out. 

In an unpredictable economy, don’t find yourself waking up on the wrong side of life. My business can help you prepare for your future and I can help you learn things that a traditional education doesn’t teach you!  Please don’t wait until the Twinkies are all gone. Start looking at your options today!

You Know What To Do Next…