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If your skin is feeling like a dry hot desert…you need this!


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Check it out here!

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to find out more…

Fact or Myth? Tomatoes Can Help Premature Aging…

turkeybolognese2The usual day-after-Thanksgiving leftover turkey sandwich is a nice tradition, but it won’t fight wrinkles and  like whipping up a zesty turkey bolognese will.

According to research presented at the British Society for Investigative Dermatology, a diet rich in cooked tomatoes could help prevent premature aging and provide an extra tool in sun protection.

Scientists at the University of Newcastle and the University of Manchester asked a small group of women to eat tomato paste daily for 12 weeks. The women’s skin was exposed to UV light at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Scientists discovered that the tomato diet boosted skin’s levels of procollagen, which keeps skin firm and youthful-looking. The participants also were found to have 33% more protection against sunburn following the diet.

The antioxidant lycopene—the natural pigment that makes tomatoes red—was behind the benefit. Lycopene is at its highest level in tomatoes that are cooked and because tomato paste contains a high concentration of cooked tomatoes, it is an ideal source of this antioxidant.

If you want one extra tool to help prevent signs of aging and sunburn, adding cooked tomatoes to your diet can help give your skin a winning glow for the holidays and beyond.

Happy Turkey Day!

Suffering From Turkey Neck Syndrome?

…then you’re either a Turkey or you might need some help!  6a00d834515e6669e20120a6dbebff970b-250wi_104917944

With the start of the holiday social circuit, people are suddenly impatient to get picture-perfect skin. And in an effort to look fantastic, many jump from appointment to appointment, accumulating multiple treatments and procedures.

While it’s tempting to consider going all-in on holiday specials, these in-office treatments are often expensive, painful and time consuming. However, skipping in-office treatments doesn’t mean you can’t get office-like results.  Because you can!

256841_10150205495066451_636496450_7207609_4364707_oIf you are looking for glowing skin but don’t have a week to recover from (or the money for) professional microdermabrasion, try macro exfoliation from the comfort of your bathroom. Using an at-home tool to remove dead skin cells every week is a process that’s painless, affordable and does not require any recovery time.

Both options can yield impressive results, so which one would you pick?

Visible results are possible with intelligent daily skincare and healthy habits. This combination can influence up to 80% of your skin’s future. And it’s never too late, or too soon, to start.  2014 free gift

Roll into 2015 with great skin.

Receive a FREE Redefine Eye Cream when you purchase a Full Regimen +and+  an AMP MD or a  REDEFINE MACRO Exfoliator™. Offer available now through December 31, 2014.

Questions? Message me…




Halloween Make-up…good or bad for your skin?

There’s nothing spookier than waking up to dull, blemished skin following a night of halloween2Halloween fun. Whether you’re decked out in costume and makeup for a late-night party or to trick-or-treat with your kids, these tips will keep your face glowing long after the flame from the jack-o-lantern is gone.
Don’t scare your skin with Halloween makeup. The Halloween makeup sold at costume shops often contains artificial colors, fragrances, waxes and oils. It’s best to skip this thick, heavy makeup entirely and use every day non-comedogenic makeup instead. But if you simply can’t resist, be sure that you don’t leave it on for too long. If you experience redness, itching or swelling, remove the makeup immediately with a gentle cleanser and apply a soothing cream or a 1% OTC cortisone to calm irritation.

Sleeping with makeup is a horror for your skin. Aside from ruining your linens, sleeping with makeup on means that you skipped your nightly skincare routine and missed out on your skin’s peak rejuvenation hours. Skin is most receptive at night, which means your skincare products work harder for you while you sleep. So no matter how late you are out, stick to your nightly skincare routine before you climb into bed.

Too many treats can play tricks on your skin. While your mouth may thank you forphoto indulging in sweet treats, your face (and your waistline) won’t. It’s true that the old notion that chocolate causes acne is more of a superstition than scientific truth, but it’s also true that high-glycemic index foods containing processed sugars and corn syrup, like candy, contribute to breakouts, skin inflammation and wrinkles. Your best bet is to enjoy the family Halloween loot in moderation.

Use these tips to treat your skin well this Halloween and you won’t need a magic spell to wake up looking and feeling great the next morning.

Message me if you would still like a magic spell!




Fact or Myth? Tech Neck Is The New Turkey Neck…

deep-neck-wrinklesAlong with increased stress and less face-to-face time with others, there’s one more potential wrinkle that comes from being connected 24/7.

Staring down at your smartphone, tablet and laptop too often could be giving you a neck that looks much older than you are—a condition some experts are calling “tech neck.” But before you swear off tech, know that there are some simple things you can do to help stave off lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and other telltale signs of “tech neck.”

Taking the time to extend your skincare efforts all the way down to your neck can have a huge impact on your skin’s health and overall appearance. Instead of your neck being an afterthought, make it a daily part of your anti-aging skincare strategy. Try a topical medicated skincare regimen to diminish discoloration, improve overall tone and texture and help reverse other signs of chronic sun damage. With consistent use, real results are possible. Most important, apply sunscreen to your neck every morning. While the area directly below the chin gets some shade, it’s not consistent and the rest of your neck is often left exposed and unprotected. This can result in everything from sagging skin to brown spots.

One thing you can’t do to remedy “tech neck” is get a neck lift. There’s actually no such thing … your neck can’t be treated independently from your face. Reversal of the sag requires an invasive face-lift (with a minimum of two to three weeks to heal), and it won’t improve the overall quality of skin.

Fortunately, when it comes to a younger-looking neck, you don’t need surgical pain to get that gain. It is possible to prevent and correct “tech neck” with a clinically proven skincare solution. And for the sake of your skin and overall well-being, try to take a break from 24/7 connecting and go off-line a few times a day. Your skin, and your health, will thank you. ~Debi