7 Things To Avoid If You Have Acne

7 Things To Avoid If You Have Acne

Got pimples? Here’s some helpful lifestyle advice if you or someone you love struggles with acne or has excessive breakouts, especially this time of year! 

Nearly 50 million teenagers and adults a year experience acne, the most common skin condition in the United States. Battling breakouts can be incredibly frustrating, because they can be triggered by a complex combination of factors you can’t control — including genetics, hormones and the climate you live in — and there is no quick fix.

Getting clearer skin takes a little patience and requires products that interrupt each step of the acne cycle — like the Rodan + Fields UNBLEMISH Regimen. But while consistent, effective skincare is a must, making changes to your lifestyle and behavior can help, too. Here are seven habits to avoid if you have acne:

1. Washing your face too often or too vigorously. It seems counterintuitive, but cutting back on cleansing may improve your skin’s appearance. Vigorous scrubbing can irritate skin, causing more breakouts. Washing too often can strip away your skin’s essential oils, leading it to overcompensate and produce even more oil.

2. Eating dairy, sugar and white bread. It’s a myth that chocolate causes acne, but studies have shown that milk consumption and high-glycemic diets can play a part. Try dialing down the dairy, steering clear of sugar and cutting back on refined carbs and see if your skin responds.

3. Exercising in the heat. Your body may love hot yoga, but if you have acne, your skin probably doesn’t. When your skin is hot, oil glands increase production. Overheated skin is also more sensitive, which can lead to breakouts. If you absolutely can’t give up your favorite class, remove your makeup before exercising and wash your face immediately afterward so sweat, oil, and grime don’t sit there all day. If you use a sweatband, avoid wearing it across your forehead: The friction and pressure may lead to more breakouts.

4. Wearing heavy foundation. Some makeup can clog your pores. So while you might be tempted to cover your acne with lots of base and concealer, try to resist. Instead, consider NEW Rodan + Fields Radiant Defense Perfecting Liquid as the finishing step in your UNBLEMISH Regimen. This groundbreaking tinted multitasker is non-acnegenic, so it won’t cause breakouts.

5. Skipping laundry day. How can sleeping on dirty pillowcases and sheets make acne worse? Any dirt, oil or leftover makeup that got on your bedding last night can end up back on your face or body tonight, clogging your pores and leading to more breakouts.

6. Passing on moisturizer. Some acne-fighting ingredients can dry out your skin, and when skin is too dry, it produces even more oil. Use a moisturizer designed for acne-prone skin daily. Rodan + Fields Oil Control Lotion, Step 4 of the UNBLEMISH Regimen, is lightweight and even has sunscreen built in.

7. Stressing out. Studies show that stress can lead to acne flare-ups — which can cause even more stress. If you notice that you break out more when your stress level rises, take measures to add some calm to your life, and see if that helps calm your skin.

Treating acne is a marathon, not a sprint. With the right skincare and a few lifestyle changes, you’ll get to the finish line even sooner.

Learn more about our UNBLEMISH Regimen.

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*information is taken from Derm RF.

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This is Abby — here's what she has to say:

“Okay… I’m getting really vulnerable here… it pains me for you to even see this photo on the left… but it’s important that I share. — Consistency is key… you can have the best skincare in the world, but if you’re not using it consistently, you’re not going to see results.
I decided to STAY consistent and look what happened! I can’t tell you how much more confidence I have.”

Teen or adult, man or woman…know someone who’s looking for a kick of confidence??

Say yes and give it a try! pm for info! <3

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Is Spritzing with H20 The Best Way to Fight Dry Skin?

If you’re upping your skin’s water supply with frequent spritzing as a way to increase moisture, you may be creating a problem instead of solving one.

Unless you apply a barrier-repairing moisturizer (one which contains dimethicone, glycerin or hyaluronic acid) immediately after spritzing, you’ll actually dry out skin because as water evaporates it draws moisture away from all layers of your skin.

Feel the need to spritz? Just follow with lightly patting damp skin with a great moisturizer. Not only will you improve hydration over the long haul, you’ll get an immediately refreshed and youthful glow.

For product information or for a business opportunity, please contact me.

What You Should Know About Chasing the Pimple…

Breakouts are big-time bummers. It never fails … big night, bad skin. The prom, weddings, anniversary celebrations, hot dates — all reasons for acne to launch a full-on war (or a complete sneak attack!) on that pretty face of yours.

What you should know about that pimple is that spot treating makes as much sense as brushing only the tooth with the cavity while ignoring the rest of your mouth. For a long-term solution, you must treat your entire face to stop the process that is happening deep inside your skin’s thousands of pores. The acne cycle actually starts two to three weeks before you ever see a blemish, which is why spot treating a pimple that’s already surfaced doesn’t work … you’re only addressing the end of the cycle, not the root cause.

Remember, pimples are just the ultimate manifestation of a complex and ongoing process triggered and exacerbated by multiple factors such as hormones, stress, high glycemic diets, clogged pores and bacteria, so taking a multi-pronged approach daily is essential to getting and keeping your acne under control.

Try Unblemish… your long-term treatment that works!               debi@skincarepartners.com or call me at 615-332-9995