Clear Up Your Skin For Back to School

No one likes a pesky pimple, especially me. I have been plagued by acne all of my life and I have the battle scars to prove it. High School was one big pimple for me 🙁 So what do I do now?  I follow these easy tips to stay ahead of acne to score flawless-looking skin:

selfie confidence

~ Wash your face both before bed and in the morning.
A whole day’s worth of dirt, oil and even environmental pollution can coat your face by the end of the day. Likewise, hair products can rub off onto your pillow, and from there end up on your cheeks, so it’s important to start clean every morning.

It’s important to remove layers of dead skin cells and dirt so they don’t block your pores. Gentle exfoliation also keeps your skin glowing.

~ Don’t pick or pop.
Disturbing a pimple can cause infections and make it worse, sometimes leaving a scar. Dab a sulfur treatment on the problem area twice a day to bring down the swelling, or try UNBLEMISH Acne Treatment Sulfur Wash to unclog pores and reduce visible redness.

~ Keep it simple.
Too many products can aggravate your skin. The UNBLEMISH Regimen is a simple, four-step continuous solution that addresses the acne cycle, eliminating most acne blemishes before they are visible on the skin’s surface.

~ See your dermatologist. If you’re still having acne challenges, see your dermatologist for a consult.

There’s one thing to remember if nothing else: you should continue doing what works for you. To quote Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, “When it comes to beating acne, success is routine.”

Know someone with pesky pimples? Message me and let’s get them some help!!! ‪#‎teamenthusiasm‬ ‪#‎pimplefree‬ #unblemish

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