Reasons To Be Excited!

Reasons people are Excited about Rodan + Fields and becoming an entrepreneur with the Doctors that created Proactiv®:

so happy**We are launching what the Today Show raved as a “Must have in Anti-Aging”
**We are targeting the multi-billion dollar anti-aging and sun damage markets (and now, with the MACRO Exfoliator, entering another $3 billion industry – at home skincare tools!)
**We are not a “home parties” company, we do not stock inventory, nor are we responsible for delivering/returning products!
**The fantastic, award-winning products were formerly the #1 brand in Nordstrom and we receive a ton of free-press every month!
**60-day money-back guarantee for both our consultants and our customers- literally, a risk free opportunity!
**Web-based training at your own pace
**Last but not least, we are expanding to Canada in 2014! 

its your future

I am adding 2 more people to my Team this month that want to be a part of this Excitement and Momentum!!!

Let’s get you off to a fast start and grow BIG!! This could be the best financial decision you could ever make for you and your family! It definitely was for mine!!! CHANGED our lives!!! 

Just take a look…it’s free and no pressure. Imagine not having to worry about saving for the family vacation! School clothes? No problem. A new car? You can do it! I will show you how! Do it today!