Lip Wrinkles: Causes and Treatment

Lip Wrinkles: Causes and Treatment

Reverse Regimen

When we think about areas of our face where wrinkles and fine lines show up, our lips aren’t usually the first spot we think of. But lip wrinkles, which are vertical lines that form on and around your lips as you age, can be a source of annoyance that can leave us feeling less confident than we deserve to be.

But what are lip wrinkles, exactly, and what can you do about them? Here’s everything you need to know.

What are Lip Wrinkles?

As noted above, lip wrinkles are vertical lines that form on and around your lips as you get older. They’re sometimes called “lip lines,” “lipstick lines,” or “smoker’s lines,” and they can be tough to hide or conceal, making them more bothersome than other wrinkles or fine lines.

What Causes Lip Wrinkles?

There are a handful of causes of lip wrinkles, but there are the most common ones:


Unfortunately, one of the top causes of lip wrinkles is pretty inevitable: Aging skin. “As we age, we gradually produce less and less collagen,” explains cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green.  “This means our skin is less able to repair itself and retain moisture, resulting in drier, thinner, and less elastic skin. This also makes our lips and other areas of our face more prone to fine lines and wrinkles”.

Sun exposure

Sun exposure (and lack of protection) can be another culprit when it comes to lip wrinkles. “Repetitive unprotected sun exposure can make lip wrinkles worse since the ultraviolet rays can damage our collagen stores and cause premature aging,” explains Dr. Green.


There’s a reason why lip wrinkles are often referred to as “smoker’s lines” — smoking is a big reason why lip wrinkles show up in the first place. “Smoking can cause premature aging since cigarettes contain free radicals that damage our bodies and prevent our skin cells from getting adequate nutrients.”

Treatments for Lip Wrinkles

As with most skin-related issues, the best treatment for lip wrinkles is to stop them from popping up in the first place — or at the very least, do your very best to stop them from getting worse. “You can change your diet to include foods that are high in antioxidants like berries, leafy greens, and nuts,” Dr. Green suggests. “These foods can fight free radicals and other agents that cause premature aging. Quitting smoking, if you smoke, can improve your blood flow and improve both your complexion as well as prevent any more free radicals from damaging your skin cells.”

Here are some other options worth trying:

Anti-aging lip serum and balm

There are tons of different lip serums and balms out there, so look out for a lip wrinkle serum that contains specific ingredients.

“Look for products containing either vitamin C or retinoids,” suggests Dr. Green. “Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is known to support healthy collagen production, making it optimal for preventing lip lines and keeping them from getting worse. Meanwhile, retinoids support natural cellular turnover and stimulate collagen production. This makes them a great option in reducing the appearance of fine lines and rejuvenating the skin.”

That being said, if you opt for a serum or balm that contains a retinoid, it’s extra important to remember to apply a lip balm with SPF afterward.

Exfoliate lips

Since exfoliation helps slough off dead skin cells, lip exfoliants can be a great way to keep the skin on your lips healthy. Just remember not to overdo it (once a week is fine), and make sure to apply a moisturizer and SPF afterward. “Many people fail to apply SPF to their lips when they go out,” Dr. Green says. “Always apply a lip balm with SPF and reapply every two hours to protect your lips from UV damage.”

Oil massages

Treat your lips to a luxurious oil massage, especially if you’re regularly exfoliating them. Lip oils are an excellent way to deeply moisturize the skin of the lips, helping to protect them from further damage.

Dermal fillers

Dr. Green notes that dermal fillers can be an excellent treatment option for lip wrinkles. “Dermal fillers that are made of hyaluronic acid like Belotero Balance, Restylane, and Juvederm can temporarily fill in lip lines and give the appearance of natural, supple, and beautiful lips,” she notes. “Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in our bodies and when injected, can add volume, smooth out the surface of the skin, and immediately improve the skin’s overall appearance.”  It’s always important to discuss your options with your dermatologist to determine what is right for you.

While annoying, there’s a lot you can do to reduce the appearance of lip wrinkles and stop them from getting worse. So fill up your cart with antioxidant-rich foods, remember to exfoliate, and don’t forget the SPF!


Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green

*All referenced results are based on an 8-week U.S. clinical and consumer study.

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Results may vary depending on multiple factors: age, gender, skin type and condition, concomitant products used, health history, location, lifestyle, and diet.

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*information is taken from The Skincare Source.

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Skin Purging vs. Breakouts – What’s the Difference?

Skin Purging vs. Breakouts – What’s the Difference?

Purging or a break out?

What Is Skin Purging?

Knowing the difference between skin purging vs breakout can help save time, money, and peace of mind. In general, skin purging is when your pores are reacting to an active ingredient in skincare. Skin purging is basically your skin getting worse before it gets better.

Skin Purging vs a Breakout

Telling the difference between a skin purge vs a breakout can help ensure you are treating the issue correctly. This also helps you stay in the know about your health, how to handle skin issues, and when to involve a dermatologist.

Adding to or making changes in your daily routine can trigger a breakout as your body reacts to the change. Consider these factors first: Have you recently started medication or tried a new food? Is there an ingredient in your haircare, skincare, laundry detergent, or other products that you may have a sensitivity to? Are you menstruating, or going through another hormonal change? Do you usually suffer from acne and breakouts? Keeping a food journal or product log can help narrow down possible culprits of your reaction.

Skin purging, on the other hand, is usually caused by active ingredients being introduced to the skin in new skincare. Purging is basically a symptom as a result of your new treatment. Examples of ingredients that are known to cause skin purging include hydroxy acids and retinoids. Signs of skin purging generally clear or subside within a reasonable amount of time, which is good news for anyone looking for results that come with active ingredients in skincare.

What Does Skin Purging Look Like? – 5 signs

If you are noticing what appears to be a breakout, and are asking yourself “is my skin purging?”, make a list of any changes in your skincare routine or treatments. Yes, skin purging can look very similar to a breakout, but there are ways to differentiate the two. Here are some signs of what skin purging actually looks like.

Small Pimples

Also known as comedones, these are existing clogging pores that will enlarge and begin to make a head as a pimple. Sometimes, there is a mix of blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, cysts, pustules, and papules where the product has been applied.


Signs of skin dryness, flaking, peeling or sensitivity can be your skin purging or adjusting to your new product or routine. 


Inflammation, signs of discoloration, or visible redness can be signs that your pores are purging or getting ready to purge.

Quick Lifecycle

Signs of skin purging can appear and then disappear faster than acne breakouts. Regular breakouts appear and then heal around 8 to 10 days, while skin purging can disappear much quicker.


Confusingly, breakouts can be signs of your pores purging, but the underlying cause wouldn’t be that of a breakout. Skin breakouts that indicate purging should not be treated with an acne product the same way a simple breakout would be because you are already using your active ingredient.

Is Skin Purging Good?

While it can feel uncomfortable and look like a breakout, skin purging is usually not “bad”. It may be tempting to stop using your new skincare, but sticking with it often allows you to reach your desired results.

Skin Purging Process – How Long Does It Last?

So how long does skin purging last exactly? It depends on your skin type, and how quickly your skin is usually purging pimples. Expect approximately 4 to 6 weeks of these symptoms, and if they last longer, be sure to reach out to your doctor or dermatologist.

Can Skin Purging Be Avoided?

Sure, skin purging can be avoided, but if it means clearer, better skin in the future, why would you want to? Skin purging can be tamed or avoided by not switching up your skincare routine or products, not using drying products, wearing sunscreen every single day, and keeping your skin as hydrated as possible. Our real advice, though? Stick with your new product, especially if your dermatologist is recommending it because the results will be highly worth it.

When It’s Just a Breakout

Sometimes, it’s nothing but a breakout! Likely not something you haven’t already experienced before. If you’ve tried a new product or food that is actually clogging your pores, your skin may be reacting through a breakout. Consider non-comedogenic skincare if you are prone to acne and breakouts, or keep a food journal to identify the culprit of your breakouts. Dairy is a common food group that exacerbates breakouts. Knowing the difference between purging and breaking out is helpful from the start. Always be kind to your skin when there’s a breakout present, applying a gentle skincare face mask or serum and taking a break from abrasive products. Do not punish your skin with an overload of products, which can cause a damaged skin barrier.

Now you are aware of the key differences between skin breakouts vs purging, and the action plan when each one occurs. Remember to always keep skin clean, protected with SPF, and hydrated by drinking plenty of water as the foundation of any skincare routine. Now you can put your best face forward with your ongoing journey in skincare.


  1. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.
  2. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Are Your Haircare Products Causing Breakouts?

*All referenced results are based on an 8-week U.S. clinical and consumer study.

Learn more about Rodan + Fields  and how you can get your most radiant skin ever. Trust your skin’s glow to the Doctors and to your consultant who know how to help you get your skin glowing.

Results may vary depending on multiple factors: age, gender, skin type and condition, concomitant products used, health history, location, lifestyle, and diet.

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*information is taken from The Skincare Source.

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