5 Evening Rituals For  a Better Night’s Sleep

5 Evening Rituals For a Better Night’s Sleep

Getting restful sleep is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind.  Research shows that when you are well rested, you think more clearly, have quicker reflexes and focus better. Sleep positively affects your immune system, energy level, heart health and mood.

But with work and family demands, jam-packed schedules and so many shows to binge-watch, you may find it hard to wind down enough to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep you need a night.

Here are five ways to help:

1) Shut off your devices. Completely power down your phone, laptop and tablet before you get in bed—and keep them off, even if you wake during the night. People who use devices before bed have poorer sleep than those who don’t, according to the National Sleep Foundation. The 52 million of us who fire off middle-of-the-night texts or emails fare even worse.

2) Tea up. Calming and comforting, caffeine-free herbal tea is an ideal bedtime beverage. A warm cup of chamomile, licorice root or mint tea may help encourage sleep and digestion and signal to your body that it’s time to start slowing down.

3) Stretch it out. In one study, participants with insomnia who practiced yoga daily fell asleep faster, slept longer and returned to sleep more quickly. Before bedtime, try some gentle poses, such as Legs Up the Wall, in which you lie on your back in an L shape with your legs forming a 90-degree angle against a wall; or Corpse Pose, in which you simply lie on your back on the floor and breathe slowly.

4) Take off the day. Ensure a fresh start tomorrow morning by washing away the day’s makeup, dirt and debris tonight. Cleanse your face with warm water, or hop in the shower to do all that and put your body into relaxation mode. Finish by pampering yourself with your skincare Regimen, and you’ll be ready to face the day (after a good night’s sleep, of course).

5) Make a list. Worrying about “incomplete future tasks” makes it difficult to fall asleep. Before you turn off your light each night, take five minutes to write down the tasks you want to accomplish the next day, or any other outstanding To-Do items. By doing so, you will (hopefully) fall asleep in a flash, and the elusive eight hours will be yours.   *information provided by Derm RF

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6 Ways Life Can Get Better As You Age

6 Ways Life Can Get Better As You Age

Right around the time you hit the big 4-0, life gets different. Remembering certain words and facts can become a challenge. And, of course, there are changes in your appearance.

The transition isn’t always easy. But using the right products can make it easier, so take heart. Rodan + Fields products can help with many of the visible signs of aging. And your life may improve, too, in ways the outside world can’t always see. Here are just a few changes to look forward to:

1. You’re happier with yourself. As you get older, you come closer to the realization that you’re pretty great just the way you are. According to a 16-year study of thousands of Americans of all ages, self-esteem rises through adulthood and reaches its peak, surprisingly, at age 60. Why? University of California, Davis, professor Richard W. Robins, a co-author of the 2010 study, says, “Midlife is a time of highly stable work, family and romantic relationships. People increasingly occupy positions of power and status, which might promote feelings of self-esteem.”

2. The glass starts to look half-full. Research suggests that older people tend to be happier than people in their 20s and 30s because they focus on the positive more than their younger counterparts do. When lecturing her students on what psychologists now call “the positivity effect,” psychology professor Laura Carstensen, founding director of the Stanford Center on Longevity, says, “I tell them, ‘The best is yet to come.’”

3. You become the expert. Whether it’s your work, a hobby or a sport, you’ve probably achieved some amount of mastery and success. You also begin to transition from being a mentee to being a mentor, a role reversal that feels really good. Some of the benefits of mentoring include new insights into young people and increased patience — something we could all use more of.

4. Your friendships are deeper. Though your circle may have gotten smaller, the people who’ve stuck with you really matter. “One of the most significant skills gained with age is employing what we have learned about ourselves in how we conduct our relationships,” writes Wendy Lustbader, MSW, a psychotherapist and author of Life Gets Better: The Unexpected Pleasures of Growing Older. “We appreciate the loyalty of true friends more and more… .”

5. You don’t take anything for granted. Studies suggest that older adults feel more gratitude than young or middle-aged people do — and people with a strong sense of gratitude are happier, more resilient and even healthier. That’s worth a few gray hairs.

6. Your skin can improve. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean your skin has to look like it is. Many people who use our products say their skin looks better now than it did when they were younger. Whether you’ve cleared up your acne or are finally hydrating enough, with the right care you can look as young as you feel. Changes in your appearance can be minimal if you take good care of your skin.


Source: Derm RF

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